SeedRight Backer Plate Bundle – Kinze®
Price: $60.95USD
Bundle Includes:
- 1 SeedRight Backer Plate for the Kinze Brush Meter
- 1 OEM Disc of Your Choice
If you do not have a local dealer in your area, you can purchase these plates directly through Davaus. They work with our BackerPlate to plant small grains and cover crops.
We want to help save you time and offer “Bundle Pricing” when the backer plate and OEM disc are purchased together. Get all you need in one simple shipment!
The backer plate is for use with Kinze BrushType mechanical planters. The backer plate works together with the OEM plates to enable the BrushType meter to accurately plant small grains and cover crops. It helps to create seal around the edge of your plate to avoid small seed leaking out. Your backer plates fits on top of your existing plate, with the foam side facing in and against the plate. You are able to do a variety of mixes with this plate, give us a call with any questions!
Find Our Backer Plate Installation Here: 
Decide which OEM Plate will work for you:
- 48 Cell – Large Bean
- 60 Cell Milo
- Radish
- Crimson Clover
- Turnips
- Alfalfa
- 30 Cell Milo
- Radish
- Crimson Clover
- Turnips
- Alfalfa